Material Hub

Circular Use of Materials in Everyday Life

Marlón Escobar Saupe

Cooperation Partner: Sustainable Design Center e.V.

September / September - 2023

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Master of Arts


The ‘Material Hub’ is a place where people can drop off and buy used materials. The hub will be set up in cooperation with the local DIY store to provide a low-threshold and complementary service. The aim is to make the reuse of used materials and circular thinking and action commonplace.  To achieve this goal, the hub also provides information about other sustainable contact points or events organised by local stakeholders, such as upcycling designers. At the same time, the hub offers these actors the opportunity to be a venue for events, for example to co-create and creatively engage with issues such as sustainable design or circular economy. In this way, the ‘Material Hub’ creates a ubiquitous space for circular thinking and action, and motivates visitors to embed this in their individual consumer behaviour.