Make things queer.

Sex Toys for Alternative Reproduction

Anna-L. Windrich

Cooperation Partner: Katta Rasche (Illustratorin)

September / September - 2023

Universität der Künste Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


The ‘Oya’ and ‘Odamn’ sex toys are designed for couples who want to have children. As an alternative to the sober form of home insemination, they offer the possibility of integrating fertilisation into familiar sexual practices. Intimacy and pleasure take centre stage and insemination becomes a beautiful and bonding experience. The shape of both toys supports stimulation of the G area and naturally enhances touch. ‘Oya’ is based on finger stimulation and ‘Odamn’ on the practice of oral sex. The bladder contained in the toy is ejected by air pressure at a freely chosen time, allowing the sperm to enter the vagina. The method combines the necessary pragmatism of alternative fertilisation with the intimacy of the partners. And a pleasurable insemination not only creates a more beautiful moment – an orgasm also increases the chances of successful fertilisation. Make it sexy. Make it queer!