Letzter Abschied

Lena Jacobi

Mai / May - 2020

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


"Last farewell" is a concept for a respectful farewell to the deceased in disaster scenarios such as natural disasters and epidemics. To reduce the trauma of loss for the bereaved, the body protection cover is designed culturally sensitive and can be adapted to all body sizes and shapes, individualised by relatives - if circumstances allow - and grave goods can be added. In order to make it possible to retrace any fate at any time, the traceability of the deceased is ensured through the use of QR codes and identification tags, the storage of sometimes temporary burial locations as well as an automatic comparison with missing persons databases. New ecological standards are also set: only natural, renewable materials such as hemp and cotton are used, added fungal spores support the natural decomposition of the bodies and covers and clean the soil of pollutants through mycorestauration.