Leat – Cultured Goods

Kimberly Löhden

Januar / January - 2020

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim

Bachelor of Arts


Leat is an experimental future concept. The barnding aims to enter a new era of meat consumption. With the help of an unusual packaging, this new era is to be visualized and acceptance as well as curiosity in society is to be evoked.

What is the Topic?

Leat represents the examination of the topic of cultured meat and its integration into our society. Many start-ups are currently working on producing meat by cultivating stem cells so that no more animals have to be slaughtered. In the coming decades, this will improve our nutrition in terms of health, animal welfare and environmental protection without us having to sacrifice anything.

Why does it look like this?

This innovation is expressed through the branding, especially through the packaging. The visual translation of the packaging takes up the clinical process of natural tissue formation in the laboratory. To emphasize the contrast between clinical and natural, an organically curved surface was chosen for the otherwise rectangular packaging. The packaging visually contrasts sharply with conventional meat and can thereby show that this is something completely new. The colouring of the different varieties visualises the natural colours of the meat, while the structure of the individual type was taken up in an abstract way. By producing the meat in the laboratory, the composition can also be defined more precisely. Leat thus offers consumers four different fat contents for each type of meat.

What is special?

The special aspect of the work lies in the creative examination of the trend-setting future topic „cultured meat“. The aim of the work is to sensitise society to this new production method and to create acceptance.

What is new?

For the development of the future concept Leat, I looked at how a brand could appear in order to generate the highest possible acceptance for cultured meat in the society. To begin with, the current image of in-vitro meat in society was surveyed. This revealed a clearly negative and disparaging attitude towards this topic. The meat will initially be very expensive when it is launched on the market due to the complex production process and years of scientific research. A large discrepancy was seen here. Acceptance of the new type of meat would be low at the current level and, as a result, the willingness to pay would be minimal. In order to counteract this and to advertise cultured meat as an attractive solution, Leat was deliberately positioned in the premium segment (and for a more feminine target group). By explaining the production method and making it transparent, the aim is to gain trust. This concept should already pave the way for cultured meat.