Industrial Phenomena

From the Object, About the Object

Michael Varga

Juli / July - 2022

Staatliche Akademie für Bildende Künste Stuttgart



“Industrial Phenomena - From the Object, About the Object” takes a conceptual approach to examining how the industrial production system may have shaped ways of thinking, acting and judging in the form of paradigms in objects, based on phenomena observed in everyday life. A collection of non-standard shaped toilet paper ends and the celebration of the non-linear as a result of a machined product, archived on handmade toilet paper parchment. Visible sink marks on a screwdriver housing as a physical ornament and as a “face of plastic”, and the thematisation of soulless repeatability of forms in plastic injection moulding. Recycling the immaterial values of a formally inconsistent combined personal cutlery set, as well as questioning the high quality of an unused and "untouched" product. A “Container Collection” of recontextualized deep drawn and metal-pressed rejects and the examination of unfulfilled expectations within industrial production processes.