A Future Urban Mobility Concept

Emma Ehrenberg


Juni / June - 2022

Hochschule Pforzheim

Bachelor of Arts


“HO:CHO” is a hybrid concept based on attributes from the bicycle and motorcycle world. At the heart of the concept is an innovative mechanism that enables the use of both the road network and the inner-city bike network through its two riding modes. In addition, the mobility concept also fulfils the desire for the transport volume of the bicycle to increase. The design of “HO:CHO” breaks away from the familiar patterns of today's streetscape and, with its semi-transparent membrane, appears lively and unusually present. The silhouette of the vehicle serves as a symbol both of this new vehicle species and sustainable urban mobility. “HO:CHO“ is a daily companion for its user and knows no boundaries within the city. It consistently suggests a feeling of freedom and independence, an added value that will convince tomorrow's city dwellers to change their thinking, and to convince them to leave their cars behind.