
A Boardgame to Create Awareness

Deren Gündogdu

Februar / February - 2024

Hochschule Darmstadt



‘Endangered’ is a co-operative board game that aims to teach players about their inherent responsibility for their habitat in order to lay the foundations for ecological awareness. This can be conveyed more effectively through play than through information, as the complexity is overwhelming. The motivation to play should come from the activity itself, so that the content to be conveyed is not associated with effort or resentment.

Players take on the role of emperor penguins. Due to changing environmental conditions, their chicks are no longer able to survive and the entire colony is threatened with extinction. The goal is to find solutions that will allow the chicks to grow up in the new environment and save the colony. In this living ecosystem, players must explore the waters of the South Pole, visit a distant penguin colony and feed their own.