The Beauty of Emptiness

Sustainable Consumer Behaviour with the Help of a New Furnishing Concept

Nina Schwendner

Februar / February - 2023

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


Inspired by the minimalist lifestyle movement, which counteracts the problem of overconsumption by reducing things to the bare minimum, a project was born that advocates more conscious consumption. The research offered a lot of information about Japanese minimalism, which was used as a model for this study in a self-experiment. A plan was then designed that represents a more conscious handling of goods such as a fasting plan for things. In addition to the theory established in the fasting plan, a shelf was designed in order to motivate the user to adopt a new way of life. This corresponds to the concept of the plan and provides a suitable place for the small things that are still needed. The shelf is like an exhibition of things that make you who you are. Through the open display, the user should gain an awareness of their possessions in order to consume more sustainably in the future.