Cargo Cocoon

Transformative Approach for More Flexibility in Private Transport

Frederick Ostertag

Februar / February - 2024

Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar

Bachelor of Arts


To make cycling more comfortable and therefore more attractive to more people, the ‘Cargo Cocoon’ offers simple protection from rain and wind, allowing you to cycle comfortably and easily in the cold season with relatively little effort. The design is very simple, lightweight and inexpensive. This means that almost anyone who owns a cargo bike can afford such a structure and install it with little effort. The design hardly obstructs the rider’s view – at the same time the vehicle is much more visible in traffic thanks to the large body. It is also relatively easy to attach other elements to the body to improve visibility, such as rear-view mirrors, reflector strips or turn indicators. The body also makes the vehicle a much more attractive means of transport in our existing traffic system.