About Prof. Karsten Henze
Prof. Karsten Henze has been Chairman of the Board of the International Design Center Berlin (IDZ) since 2006. From 2001 to 2018, he worked at Deutsche Bahn, including as Head of CI/CD and Creation. Based in Group Marketing, he and his team were responsible for the group’s global image. Today, Prof. Karsten Henze works as a freelance consultant in the design sector and teaches design management at the FH Potsdam.
About International Design Center Berlin (IDZ)
Since its foundation in 1968, the International Design Center Berlin (IDZ) has been one of the leading institutions for design promotion in Germany. Its members include design-oriented companies, agencies, institutions and creative professionals. In addition to events and formats for networking among members, the IDZ carries out projects and events on a national and international level in exchange with actors from politics, culture and science.
The International Design Centre Berlin (IDZ) awards free annual memberships to three German Design Graduates. They will have the opportunity to present their work to other members and interested guests at an IDZ virtual Meetup. The Meetup offers the opportunity to get to know and exchange ideas with leading agencies and companies from the membership and the extended network of the IDZ – later collaborations are not excluded!