beam – laser light

More Safety for Cyclists in Road Traffic

Eric Bertram

März / March - 2024

Hochschule Hannover

Bachelor of Arts


Cycling is becoming increasingly popular as a sustainable mode of transport. Especially since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and the focus on modal shift, cycling has become increasingly popular. Despite this, many people feel unsafe in road traffic and are reluctant to switch to cycling. For this reason, this thesis looks at what a new product concept could look like that would significantly improve the safety of cyclists. The ‘Beam – Laser Light’ concept is intended to provide the answer. ‘Beam’ is a fixed headlight for bicycles. The built-in laser projects a pattern in front of the cyclist. The projection is designed to make cyclists more visible in traffic and to attract the attention of other road users. This concept improves communication with other road users to prevent accidents and promote cycling as a safe mode of transport.