
Umgestaltung einer Injektionserfahrung / Redesign of an injection experience

Katharina Rottner

September / September - 2021

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


"Applic-aid" - an innovative service for children and doctors - offers a pleasant experience in the pediatrician's office that revolutionizes medication administration. It includes the medical device "Medigo", which uses the advanced technology of microneedle patches to provide painless drug delivery. A refill cartridge included in the device offers a resource-saving alternative to disposable syringes or injection pens. Organic shapes and cheerful colors ensure anxiety-reduced interactions between "Medigo" and the patient. This redesigned treatment is reinforced by restaging the waiting time. Thereby, the child can use “Igo” a stuffed hedgehog and “Medi” a toy version of “Medigo” in the waiting room. This entices the child to take on the role of the doctor. The interaction of "Medi" and "Igo" prepares the patient for treatment. The situation experienced in the waiting room is afterwards taken up with the treatment and creates a pleasant overall experience.