Stephanie Hobmeier awarded by Hans Sauer Stiftung
The GDG Social Design Prize is awarded to a project that initiates social change processes through design.
Construct Lab and Hans Sauer Stiftung stand for this claim to design and so Barbara Lersch from Hans Sauer Stiftung and Alexander Römer from Construct Lab as ambassadors for social design awarded a scholarship of 500 euros to Stephanie Hobmeier with her creative theory book Die Zukunft war früher besser (The future was better in the past) and support with networking and knowledge exchange. The focus will be on process design, participation and the potential impact of the work created in the course of the scholarship.
Die Zukunft war früher auch besser
Stephanie Hobmeier’s work examines the role of female designers in social transformation processes. On the basis of a comparison of the curricula of two design colleges, which are both oriented towards a new understanding of design and a changed role model of female designers, considerations for a future-proof and sustainable educational profile are developed.
Statement Barbara Lersch
Hans Sauer Stiftung
Social Design deals with current social topics and challenges and develops visions for a better future. Social design thus has a special claim to design, which Constructlab and the Hans Sauer Foundation would like to acknowledge and promote.
Stephanie Hobmeier won our Social Design Scholarship with her thesis, a publication entitled “The future was better in the past – key competencies for socially responsible design and how to convey them in design education”. In her work, she deals with design education and the key competencies that must be incorporated into it in order for design to function as a catalyst for social change processes. We find this message so relevant that we are happy to award Stephanie for having the courage to be so honest and radical with her own education and we would like to support her in spreading this message.