
wachsender Mensch – wachsender Baum / growing human - growing tree

Julian Kuf

September / September - 2021

Universität der Künste Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


The objects of the furniture series 'picus' refer to the growth conditions of humans and have different attributes and topological distinctions. The design of the furniture refers to these inherent conditions. The 'picus-bench' offers an adapted height to sit due to the possibility of conversion and makes the object itself a growing object. The basic multiple use of the 'picus-step' expresses the theme of growing along by rising to a different height and allows participation in the appropriate living and working height of small or tall people by sitting or standing. The attributes of the 'picus-ladder' are expressed by reaching greater heights and thus growing as an individual, by accomplishing difficult tasks and by interacting with the furniture itself. The active processes of growing were translated into a furniture design and the inherent transformational possibilities of furniture were reified.