Greenscape System

How Urban Green Spaces Can Serve as Habitats

Carlo Melerski

März / March - 2024

Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

Bachelor of Arts


Urban green spaces are primarily designed for us humans and often neglect the needs of local animal populations. The ‘Greenscape System’ offers a range of modules that create different habitats for our urban wildlife. These not only provide shelter, but also an opportunity to learn about local wildlife and raise awareness of the importance of its conservation. Habitats can be created using very simple methods. Using natural materials is often all that is needed. Stones, sand or clay are perfect breeding grounds for a variety of small creatures. Compostable elements are also an important building material for birds, mammals and insects. The ‘Greenscape System’ offers a way of reusing these materials in a meaningful way, creating important habitats and involving the park users in the process.