
About Georg-Christof Bertsch

Georg-Christof Bertsch is a systemic organizational consultant with a focus on post-merger integrations. Together with his wife Prof. Annette Bertsch (MBA), he runs the Frankfurt-based consulting firm BERTSCH.Brand Consultants. He is an advisory board member of the DDC and host of the DDCAST-Podcast.

About DDC

The German Designer Club (DDC) is an association for the promotion of “good design” and “good designers”. It has about 230 members, who are recruited through selection procedures. Founded in 1989, it pursues the goal of improving the quality of design. Since 2020, when the WAS IST GUT competition introduced a participatory judging process, the focus has been on design as a driver of transformation.


DDCAST, the podcast of the German Designer Club, is one of the leading design podcasts in Europe. The program policy is characterized by a consistent opening of the “design bubble” towards adjacent disciplines. The guest list is strictly counter-gendered and divided into three groups, up to around 30, up to mid-40, from mid-40 onwards, aimed at equalizing generational perspectives.