About Annekathrin Haufe
Annekathrin Haufe has been working at the C³ Chemnitz Event Centers for more than 10 years. Initially responsible for marketing and press at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach, she has been responsible for the markets in the ensemble as well as the exhibitions in the castle building as project manager since 2016. Committed to the technological roots of the region, it is a matter close to her heart to promote traditional as well as modern arts and crafts and design and to make them accessible to the castle’s guests.
Über Die C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren GmbH
C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren GmbH manages the Stadthalle Chemnitz, the Messe Chemnitz, the stadium on Gellertstraße and the Carlowitz Congress Center as well as the Wasserschloß Klaffenbach. With these venues, C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren is the largest organizer of cultural events as well as trade fairs, markets and congresses in the region. The managing director of C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren GmbH is Dr. Ralf Schulze.
Wasserschloss Klaffenbach
The Renaissance ensemble is a popular venue for cultural events, exhibitions, open-air concerts and seasonal markets. With changing exhibitions it is also an important regional centre for arts and crafts and design. It offers young designers and artisans a platform for presentation and regularly cooperates with graduates and students of art schools in events and exhibitions.
5 green card winners will have the opportunity to present their exhibits free of charge on 6 and 7 November 2021 at the Werkkunstmarkt, a sales exhibition for arts and crafts and design. Numerous guests will visit the exhibition, private persons as well as representatives of higher education, invited galleries and companies.