Raising Young Adults' Awareness of Insect Extinction

Jessica Glanz

Lars Boettger

Juli / July - 2023

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg

Bachelor of Arts


The ‘Amt für Liebe & Dankbarkeit’ is an interactive educational campaign that aims to raise awareness of insect mortality among young adults. As there is a great need to educate 18-25 year olds in particular, we developed the campaign with the target group and adapted it to their needs. The office is designed to be an eye-catching, temporary installation that travels to nature-based leisure venues across Germany to generate good-humoured sympathy for the endangered creepy-crawlies. In a relaxed atmosphere, the target group can be informed about the value of insects at various stations, overcome their fears and motivated to protect insects with easy-to-implement suggestions for action.